Hello everyone!
That’s it, the wait is finally over! A Warm Mug of Cozy Anthology: Volume 1 is out!
For our first anthology, we have found nine tantalizing tales that are the embodiment of the genre itself. Not only are they a lot of fun to read but also very unique in their storytelling too. There is plenty of warmth, humour and unusual settings in these wonderfully imaginative stories to keep you on your toes. You will be still guessing the twists right up until the end.
Contributors to A Warm Mug of Cozy Anthology: Volume 1 are: Saffron Amatti, Jake Collins, J. Ivanel Johnson, Denise Johnson, Natalie Klein, Caitlin McColl, Sam Morris, Julie A. Sellers, and Ian Tucker.
If you don’t see your favorite online store in the list, wait for a few days, and it should appear there. Please note that the anthology will not be available through Amazon.
When you purchase your copy, you do not just support this website, you also make it possible for the authors who have opted to receive royalties to be duly compensated for their hard work!
If you are a contributor to our anthology, we invite you to proudly display the banner below everywhere! Don’t forget to link to our store: https://warmmugofcozy.com/store.

Contributors and readers alike may also use the second banner.

We cannot wait to read your reviews of our anthology. Make sure you leave your thoughts on Goodreads and on the website of the store where you purchased your copy.
Have a wonderful week!
Cendrine & David